It makes no sense to me, what a sculpture of a crashed airplane has to do with a hosrticultural society. Grumman Greenhouse Jordan Griska, 2011

A former submarine bomber for the Navy, the S2F then fought fire in California, and then made its way to a run down outdoor storage compund in Alabama where it was shredded apart and stripped of all valuable parts. It was put up for sale on e-bay, with the owner declaring this was it’s last chance for sale before being scrapped. Griska was the only bidder.

The nose of the plane and the cargo doors in its belly open to reveal a growing gift to the community. Food grown here is being harvested for low-income families by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. 

It is in no way built to reference a crash. It fits into the allowed space and continues the theme of futuristic retrofitting of objects that Griska is so well known for.